Jen Sincero knocks it out of the park with her book

In this
Are you ready to dive in?
Understanding Your Subconscious
One of the first things anyone on the road to self-improvement must learn is the difference between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. You know you can be better and do better, but for whatever reason, you’re still stuck in the same spot.
The reason for this is your automatic subconscious mind runs on its own and is somewhat beyond your control, especially in the moment of any given situation.
To begin to unravel the unconscious mind, we must ask ourselves some questions and answer them. Sincero has some great quotes in the book from which I created some self-reflection questions for you to think about. Get out your pen and paper or journal for these!
I’m assuming if you’re reading this that there are some areas of your life that aren’t looking so good either. And that you know could be looking a whole lot better.
What are three areas of your life you believe you could be doing so much better in?
Our subconscious mind contains the blueprint for our lives. It’s running the show based on the unfiltered information it gathered when we were kids, otherwise known as our “beliefs.”
What are three truths or beliefs you’ve been taught (directly or indirectly) since childhood that now may be holding you back?
And that when our subconscious beliefs are out of alignment with the things and experiences we want in our conscious minds (and hearts), it creates confusing conflicts between what we’re trying to create and what we’re actually creating.
Can you write down three inner conflicts you’re having, for something you want to create vs what you’re actually doing?
Only once we know about our subconscious minds and its beliefs can we start to change them. It takes work and is not easy, but it can be done. And it is worth it.
The years of your life are going to pass by no matter what. Would you rather be the same person you are now a year from now? Or be steps closer to the person you’ve always envisioned yourself being?
Getting Help From The Universe
Some people call it God, Sincero calls it source energy, or the universe, or the motherload, and many others. Getting into the realm of the spiritual might be a turn off for some of you, but as you’ll notice in YOU Are A Badass, Sincero heavily credits her success to her belief.
One simple way that I see it is this: instead of thinking that everyone and the universe is against you (and ignoring the things that are actually good for you), start believing that everyone and the universe is totally on your side (and ignore the things that are actually bad for you).
Get that journal out again, let’s get into some of this chapter.
And the more I meditate and the more attention I give to this relationship with my invisible superpower, the more effortlessly I can manifest the things I want into my life, and do it with such specificity and at such a rapid rate that it makes my hair stand up. It’s like I’ve finally figured out how to make my magic wand work.
If you had a magic wand to change things specific things in your life quickly, what would they be?
Which is why when you’re vibrating at a high frequency, awesome things seem to flow to you effortlessly and you seem to stumble over the perfect people and opportunities all the time (and vice versa).
Can you think of three times when awesome things seemed to flow to you, and events seemed to line up perfectly?
The trick is to have both parts—energy and action—working in unison: unless your energy is lined up properly with that which you desire, really desire, any action you take is going to require way more effort to get you where you want to go, if it gets you there at all.
What are three things you’ve done with only energy or only action? How did they turn out? What are three things you’ve done with both energy and action?
Finding Joy In The Moment
You’ve heard it over and over again: live in the moment! Living in the moment is important, and is nearly impossible to do when you’re dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Its a mindset shift. Learning how to let go of what’s behind you and not think so much of what’s ahead of you leaves you with nothing but realizing how awesome the current moment really is.
Let’s see what Sincero has to say. Got that pen handy?
(This first quote is actually her quoting Lao Tzu, but its so good I wanted to include it.)
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. —Lao Tzu
What are three ways you find yourself living in the past? What are three ways you find yourself living in the future? What are three things you can enjoy more in the present?
Our hearts beat! We can see! We have love, laughter, language, living rooms, computers, compassion, cars, fire, fingernails, flowers, music, medicine, mountains, muffins! We live in a limitless Universe overflowing with miracles!
What else can you add to this list?
And if we just stopped by for the occasional visits to the future and past, that would be one thing, but the amount of time we spend chewing on junk-food thoughts about what-ifs and how-comes—Lawd help us!
What are the three top thoughts that bring up the what-ifs and how-comes?
Dropping The Ego
This is a BIG concept if you haven’t learned about the ego yet. Yes, part of it is “having a big ego” and thinking you’re so good and showing off your muscles, etc., but in the self-help world, the ego is the part of you that resists change and seeks validation. Sincero does a great job of explaining this in her book (she calls it the Big Snooze). Definitely go back and reread Chapter 4 if you need to.
Here, I’ve pulled a couple quotes and added some questions to go along with it so you can start digging into that mind of yours and start checking out your ego.
Very few people are even aware of what’s available, however, because we live in a fear-based society that loves to get all uppity toward people who wake up from the Big Snooze, blast out of their comfort zones, and follow their hearts into the great unknown.
Can you think of three people who woke up and “followed their hearts into the great unknown”?
I realize this might seem a bit far-fetched, but remember, you create your reality. And you’ve spent a lifetime creating the one you presently have largely based on your limiting beliefs.
What are three limiting beliefs you may have that are holding you back?
When you decide to re-wire these beliefs, go for what’s truly in your heart and do a massive overhaul on yourself and your world, you’re basically murdering the Big Snooze.
How would you re-wire your limiting beliefs to better serve you and your new life?
Your Self Image Is The Key
Think of something you really really want, and see if you can picture yourself doing the things and being the person that has it. Now, how often do you actually visualize yourself this way versus visualizing yourself negatively? Unfortunately for many people, myself included, we want things that, inside, we believe we cannot have.
Our minds want one thing, but they believe we simply can’t get it. This is BS!
Let’s see what Sincero has to say about it. Got your pen ready?
We spend our lives drifting between glimpses of our own, infinite glory and the fear that not only are we totally incapable/unworthy/lazy/horrible, but that it’s only a matter of time before someone blows the whistle on us.
What are three things where you drift between imagining glory and fear?
You get to choose how you perceive your reality. So why, when it comes to perceiving yourself, would you choose to see anything other than a super huge rock star of a creature?
What are three negative ways you perceive yourself? What are three good ways?
Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.
What are three ways you know you’re brilliant that you have yet to show the world?
Thanks for reading along my Part One summary of YOU Are A Badass by Jen Sincero! This is seriously a great book and Sincero’s personality really comes across in the way she writes. I recommend this one on Audible since Jen narrates the book herself!
I hope you did the work and actually wrote out your answers to these questions, that’s where the real change happens. If not, go back and do it!
Don’t miss out on my next post for Part Two! Get an email as soon as its ready by subscribing.
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Where’s part two?
Has part 2 been posted?
this was great – thanks!!!! I am a cognitive coach and am leading a group of women through this book. We approach things similarly so this was very helpful – thanks!