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Its SO COOL! I’m not a doctor, but it might help you reach the next level if you’re on your own journey of healing and/or self-discovery.

In my last post on neurofeedback, I think I talked about what it is, what’s cool about it, and how it works. So far so good! My meditations have become better. They’re more efficient. The “work” that I do when I meditate is basically done for me when I go into these neurofeedback sessions. Well…not all of it. The work of searching for and uncovering the uncomfortable emotions is done for me, and then its up to me to actually release it.

In a neurofeedback session of 40 minutes I can release up to maybe 8-10 emotions. When I meditate at home on my own, I can do maybe 2 or 3 in that same amount of time. See what I mean! Super super awesome to be able to go hook up to an EEG and have it help me re-wire my brain.

What Has Been Happening

Ok, not sure exactly how much and what I covered in my last post, but I’ll give a quick explanation of what my sessions are like. They hook me up with one sensor to the EEG. (I know…just one?! I was expecting like 6 all the time when I first signed up for this. But the doctors say that for this specific thing we’re working on, the one is all I need.)

Right, so brain is connected to the EEG, the EEG is connected to the computer, the computer to headphones, the headphones to my ears, and my ears to my brain.

You see what’s happening?

When my brain does a thing (or doesn’t), the computer picks up on it and will reward my brain (or not) by somehow changing the music that is coming through the headphones. Cool right?! Kinda freaky, too, right? Yea.

And this is what my past 4 sessions have been like. The first time they said they’d hook me up for about 15 minutes and leave the room. After the 15 minutes, they would come back in, pause the program, and check on me to see how I’m feeling, then let me go for another 15 minutes or so. But even on the first session, when they came back into the room, they saw that i was so relaxed, they didn’t stop the program! They let me ride out the full 40 minutes. (That’s how good I am 😉 ).

Haha, but seriously I’ve been meditating so much that this is nothing really.

But now we’ve moved on…

If that ^ was protocol one, we’re on to protocol two.

Protocol two is very different. Protocol 1 was easy for me. Protocol 2 is hard. Protocol 1 brought up anxiety and other emotions for me to release. Protocol 2 is designed to help me relax and let go, to find bliss. Protocol 1 I could basically sit back and not do anything and things would happen. Protocol 2 is work (but it really shouldn’t be, ha…shows how much work I need in this area.)

So for protocol one, as I mentioned above, we were targeting anxiety. To try and help me calm my nerves in a way and get my brain to learn what it needs to do to not be go damn anxious all the time. And it worked wonders. It’s what led me to start my shaky meditations which have really really helped calm me down.

For protocol two, its designed to help me let go. And I’ll tell you right now, I have a hard time letting go. Of anything. I hold grudges even when I don’t want to. Sometimes thoughts just stick in my mind and I can’t let them go or shake them off no matter what I try. (Sometimes for years which come to think of it…is why some of my breakups have affected me so much.)

So anyway…

I’m really looking forward to what this new protocol will help me achieve.

If you think this is interesting, shoot me a message on Facebook or Discord. I’d love to hear from you.

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