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Hey ambitious one,

Thank you so much for being here. The fact you’re here shows you want more out of life.

For years I knew I wanted more out of life. I wasn’t fulfilled. Searching for happiness in all the wrong places ended me up depressed and I got to a point where all I wanted was to leave the city I was living in.

I didn’t even have a place in mind of where to go. In fact, no where sounded good. The only thing that sounded good was traveling.

Becoming a digital nomad was one of the best decisions I ever made in life. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows as I remained self-defeating for over a year.

But now, oh now life is much different. I’ve found happiness. I want to help you find it too. 🙂

It’s a struggle when we really want something yet feel stuck not knowing what to do to get it.

Please don’t stay stuck like I did. Once you realize time is all you have and you value it that way, you’ll see life is too short to not get after what you truly want.

Is there something missing from your life? Do you know what it is?

What are you doing to create your ideal future every single day? Do you know where to start?

Join me in this journey called life. Destination: your own personal paradise.

Get after it.

All the best,


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The last thing you want is another social media app...we get it. But we find the Discord app is the BEST platform for our online circle.