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If you’re on the path of personal development, you know how true this quote is:
“Your life only gets better when you get better.”
Brian Tracy
If you’re not yet on the path, does that quote get you thinking?
Do you want your life next year to be the same as it was this year, or better?
What about you? Do you want you next year to be the same as this year, or better?
What does it mean to “be better”? It means personal development, self improvement, or whatever name you want to call it. Many people never go down this path, personally, I didn’t start until I was 25.
I was unhappy. Then one day, one idea led to the next, which led to trying something new, which led to a book, which led to another, then another, and another. Next thing I knew, I’ve read over 40 personal development books this past year.
These 7 have been some of the most impactful. If you want more from life, please do yourself a favor: read these books and watch your life change before your eyes.
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