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‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a noise to be heard not even a mouse

Except my autistic sister who just wouldn’t stop
She pissed us all off, especially my pop

Such was my life, not so different from yours
We do what we can, to the grave from all fours

A mind so pure, so innocent and white
Out the womb all do pray, as it comes to the light

Little does he know the trouble ahead
Life, it will bring, emotional dread

Take it in stride, or hold on to it so
Which one you choose will determine where you go

Maybe not so much where, but more likely how,
Listen to me closely, listen to me now

Our mind’s like a river, that hasn’t yet rolled
We start to make our way, as we do what we’re told

We do what we’re told, for better or worse
And more often than not, it’s not just a gift but a curse

For parents so loving, try as they might
They do raise their kids, but don’t raise them right

If you do not relate, that’s fine, be gone
But if you get what I’m saying, that’s good, read on.

In my head I was fucked, but no one could tell
Barely even me, as if under a spell

Our brains have pathways, hardwired they say,
And neuroplasticity, can come save the day.

Yes but neuroplasticity is a double edged sword,
If you’re reading this young, you are now foreworn.

Think the good thoughts, and you’ll do just fine,
Let the bad ones in, and it’s a hell of a ride.

And I did just that, the latter not the former,
My mind was a mess, like shoved down in a corner.

The pain I had felt, is difficult to describe,
Then pain of someone, who never found their tribe.

This poem lighthearted, or so it would seem,
But the story I tell, is not no dream

Imagine living life, unable to feel
And knowing you were missing on what makes life’s happiness real

Call it Alexathymia or depression or whatever
But keep reading on if you want to get better

Forget these big words and what most people say
We’re all so different, and they don’t know you anyway

Your brain has changed in one way or another
And now its up to YOU to put yourself back together

What did it for me, and you’ll hear more further on,
I meditated, on and on and on and on

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