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alter the course of your life with

We'll Coach You!


Maybe you feel some of these…

Negative Emotion?

We’ve been there, too. We know what its like and its no fun. Know this, heavy negative emotion is temporary.

Though it may feel and seem permanent, you can heal yourself from this. We’ve done it, and its our mission to spread what we’ve learned to help others heal themselves and live more positive lives.

Soul Searching?

The journey feels never ending. What do I really want? Who am I? Do I even know where I want to be in 5 years?

These questions are not easy. They’re personal questions with no right answers. The answers can only come from your feelings. We’ve extensively studied feelings, and want to share our learnings with you.


Is The Time To Heal

Meet Your Coach

Having gone “to hell and back” in his own mind, André has the self-taught experience needed to guide you on your own journey.

Whether you’re here just to live more relaxed days, or you want to dive deeper into your own subconscious, this is the place for you.

André Crabb

Our Meditation Style

The style we teach is derived from our own experience after hours and hours of meditating over years. Read below for some of our biggest influences…

Dr Joe Dispenza

Neuroscientist turned healer

Possibly our biggest influence, Dr Joe’s teachings have shown its possible to heal the body by thought alone.

Teal Swan

YouTube Spiritual Celebrity

Expanding our spectrum of strategies in our meditation tool belt, Teal Swan taught us just how powerful inner child work can be.

Hilary Jacobs Hendell

Author of Its Not Always Depression

A trained therapist, Hilary’s book proved to us that purposely feeling and expressing our negative emotion is the most direct route to healing it.

Find Joy