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The Only Obstacles

Are In Your Mind
15-Minute Consult


Detach from your anxieties with Mind-Body Coaching

Many of us today are running on autopilot. We keep doing what we’ve always done and being who we’ve always been even though we know its not leading us on our way to living a life we actually WANT to live.

Try as we might, breaking free from these automatic patterns is much easier said than done. And if we don’t start the work now, we’ll end up 5 years down the line doing the same old things, well on our way to a mid-life crisis.

Its time to live a more authentically-you life! Don’t wait another day!

I’ll teach you how to work with your mind, body, and emotions to let go…to let go of the attachments that are holding you back from living your ideal and happy life. I’m going to teach you what I wish someone had taught me.

I’m a self-taught “mind-doctor” who HAD to stop everything I was doing and fix myself. My mind was a mess, my body had physical and psychosomatic issues. Although I was working remote and traveling the world, I was unhappy with my life.

Through deep internal meditation I started to learn about myself and releasing all the negative things that were keeping me stuck.

My mind was noisy and I quieted it down. My thoughts were negative and I disconnected their power. My body was tight and full of unhealthy energy and I finally released it in such a simple way.

I found what works. All humans have common traits, and if we work at that deep root level we can cut off our issues not at the knees but the ankles. Its taken me years to figure this all out, mostly because NO ONE has this info nicely packaged in one place. 

Say good-bye to a life of suffering and hello to a life of happiness and enjoyment. Work with me and I’ll guide you through everything I’ve learned. What took me YEARS I can teach to you in just a few MONTHS. You’ll learn meditation secrets no one else teaches.

We’ll work together to find what’s holding you back, AND I’ll teach you how to find these things on your own. You’ll learn some uncommon and very easy techniques to end body pain you might be carrying.

With my special Early Bird package you get weekly one-on-one calls directly with me. As we progress together I’ll also provide you with personalized content for what you’re working on at the time.


This is for you if you’re tired of an uncontrollable mind, or you’re tired of your chosen path because deep down you know you could be something more, or you realize your traumas and anxieties are getting the best of you and you’re ready to show them who’s boss.

Your life’s too short to not be in control of it.

If you think you are running on autopilot through life, and don’t know how to take the wheel and steer yourself to where you actually want to be, I’d love to work with you.

Maybe its been so long you’ve even forgotten what your ideal life is. Our routine experiences can easily cover up our deepest desires and lead us down an unfulfilling road.

Don’t stay stuck there.

Follow me.


"André is a good listener and very polite even when I have a stupid complaint, or am just stuck in my own head running around the same problems."

Mike – Panama City, Florida

"Conversations with André are uplifting and loaded with energy. I leave full of excitement for learning something new and applying it right away."

Diego – CoFounder, WiFi Tribe

"Our convo was so interesting and helpful. I'm still processing it."

Amanda – Drug Researcher

What We Do

Guide individuals to grow into their authentic potential

Do you wonder how you can get closer to your idea of your “higher self”? Let’s get you closer to your best version of you.

Understand your obstacles and how to eliminate them

Challenges are unavoidable, and not only that, they are the path to growth. It’s the you on the other side of these obstacles we can help you become.

Personal life advice and situational guideance

Everyone and every situation is unique, yet we’ve found that underlying all these differences are some core aspects of the human condition.

Teach tools and tactics to get you past challenges

Learn the strategies and tools we use to break through obstacles more efficiently as we face every day bumps in the road.

We Dive Deep To Find What’s Holding You Back, Then Work To Remove It

As tough as it might be to hear, all our problems are internal. Something inside you is making you feel the way you’re feeling. Some thought, belief, or neuropathway, firing again and again and it can be hard to get away from.

We get it. We’ve been through it. We’ve healed from it. If you want to really change your life, you have to really change your mind.